All AdWords Terms

AdWords Terms

Ad group

A group of ads, and bids that is a key part of your account. Every ad campaign is made up of one or more ad groups.
  • An ad group is a group of one or more ads, keywords, placements, or other targeting methods. You can also set a default or manual bid for each ad group.
  • You should create a separate ad group for different theme of your each product and service you offer (like online classes and regular classes). The ads and keywords in your each ad group should very related to your that product or service.

Ad group default bids

A particular bid amount that applied to all your keywords and ads in your ad group that do not have their individual bids. This bids indicated the maximum amount that you are to pay for each and every click on your ad.

Ad group default bids will used when there are not more specific bids that apply. If you have set a individual bid for one of your keywords, that bid will be used instead of your ad group default bid.

Ad position

The very order according to which your ad appears on a page in relation to other ads. An ad positions of “1” means that your is the first ad on a page.

  • Your ad position is decided by a formula called Ad Rank that gives your ad a score truly based on your bid and your ads Quality Score. If your competitor bids more than yours, you can still achieved a higher positions at a lower price, it is possible if your keywords and ads are highly relevant.
  • Ads will appear on the top of a search results page, on the side of the page, or on the bottom of the page.

Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool
A tool in your adwords account that helps identify why your ad might not be appearing. The tool also shows a preview of a Google search result page for a specific term, helping you see which ads are appearing for your keyword.
  • Use this tool to check the status of your ad for a particular keyword. Once you enter a search term and other criteria like your language and location, the tool will tell you whether your ad is eligible to appear in that situation.
  • If you want to see how your ad appears in context, it's better to use this tool than to do a search on Google. You'll see the exact same results as a Google search but won't harm your performance by accumulating ad impressions every time you look for your ad.
  • To use the Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool, click the tool under the "Tools and Analysis" menu at the top of your AdWords account.

Ad Rank

Ad Rank used to decide your ad position, where your ads are shown on a page. Ad Rank is calculated using your bid amount and Quality Score.

  • Ad Rank determines your ad position -- where your ad shows on the page in relation to other ads.
  • The main components of your Ad Rank are your bids and the quality of your ads, keywords, and website as measured by Quality Score. So even if your competition has higher bids than yours, you can still win a higher position at a lower price by using highly relevant keywords and ads.
  • Your Ad Rank is recalculated each time your ad is eligible to appear, so your ad position can fluctuate each time depending on your competition at that moment.

Ad status

A status for each ad that describes whether that ad is able to run, and if so, whether there are any policy restrictions on how or when it can run.

  • Some statuses are set by Google (like when an ad violates our advertising policies) while others are set by you (like when you pause or delete an ad).
  • Find your ad's status by looking at the "Status" column in the Ads tab of your Campaigns page.
  • Google give your ad one of several approval statuses during and after their review to see if it complies with their policies:

Some Ad Group Status

  • Under review -- Ad is still being reviewed and can't show until it's been approved.
  • Eligible -- Ad is still being reviewed, but it can show on Google search pages in the meantime.
  • Approved -- Ad complies with Google policies, so it's allowed to show for all audiences. 
  • Approved (non-family) -- Ad can run, but not in all situations due to restrictions on content that Google consider "non-family safe."
  • Approved (adult) -- Ad can run, but not in all situations due to restrictions on adult content.
  • Approved (limited) -- Ad can run, but not in all situations due to policy restrictions such as those around trademark use and gambling ads.
  • Disapproved -- Ad cannot run as it is now because it violates AdWords policy. 
  • Site suspended -- Ad cannot run because the webpage it promotes violates AdWords policy.

There are also ad statuses that reflect specific actions that you've made to your ad or campaign:

  • Paused -- Ad cannot run because the ad, ad group, or campaign is paused.
  • Pending -- Ad has not started to run because its campaign has a start date in the future.
  • Ended -- Ad stopped running because its campaign's end date has passed.

The following are video ad serving statuses:

  • Serving (video ads) - A video ad is approved to appear on YouTube, and Google hasn't detected any issues with it. Note: The video ad may not necessarily be running at this time.
  • Not serving (video ads) - All formats (headline, description, video, etc.) of the video ad have been disapproved.
  • Not yet serving (video ads) - A video ad is not yet approved to appear on YouTube but is under review.
  • With issues (video ads) - One or more of a video ad's formats are marked as "Disapproved" or "Approved (limited)." This means the ad is not running.


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Thanks for the post.